OT: OT: OT: Re: Gateway 2000 Handbook 486 question

From: Fred Cisin <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
Date: Tue Feb 18 12:56:19 2003

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Chad Fernandez wrote:
> > Win95 WILL run on a 12MHz 386SX. But it needs more than 4M RAM if you
> I see. I never tried it on my sisters 386sx-25, since I thought the DX
> was a requirement.

At various times, MICROS~1 has RECOMMENDED a DX and faster speed, but
Win95 can't tell the difference.

> I did try Win 3.1 on my old 286-12, with about 1-1.5 megs of memory. It
> was so slow, it took it a few minutes to finish crashing :-)

One informal benchmark for reliability has often been "how long it will
run before crashing". MICROS~1 has achieved a new way to improve their
numbers on that!
Received on Tue Feb 18 2003 - 12:56:19 GMT

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