Ethan Dicks wrote:
>Do you have a typo at location $49 in the listing at
> ? It has:
> 46 d8 CLD FOR 24 HR CLOCK |
> 47 C9 13 CMP 47 C9, 24 |
> 49 d0 b5 BNE Ab A9, 00 -|
> 4b A9 01 LDA WHEN HOURS REACH 13, 4F C9, 00
>And I expect that the comment for 24-hour operation should be *4B* A9, 00
>Typos/OCR errors aside, pretty slick. How accurate is it?
Hmmm... You are correct sir!! OCR is evil. I thought I caught them all!
Received on Sat Feb 22 2003 - 12:59:00 GMT