On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Joe wrote:
> Can anyone tell me more about this thing or even (HOPEFULLY) have a
> manual for it?
Hi Joe.
What you have is fairly rare and very unique. I still have not figured
out what it was exactly used for, but it is definitely a trainer. It
seems to me to have been a kit given to customers of IBM as a token of
appreciation for business.
I've come across 2 of these. One was owned by a friend locally, the other
was bought off eBay for a local collector. I appraised the second one
when the collector donated his collection to the Computer History Museum.
The appraisal was in the thousands of dollars.
Here are some responses that the first owner I referred to solicited from
various people (whose names should all be familiar):
And here's his page about it:
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
Received on Sun Feb 23 2003 - 14:26:00 GMT