ISIS-II command summary?

From: Steve Thatcher <>
Date: Wed Feb 26 23:37:00 2003

I only cut my teeth on these back in the 70s... I kept boxes
of disks from that era.

Thanks to Eric and you for chiming in with some information.
The conversation is reminding me of what I used to know off the
top of my head...

The connector is probably a DC37. I guess I didn't pay enough
attention to it when I was looking earlier. If someone has a
file available that would be great. I can spend the time to ohm
it out, but I had hoped the doc existed in a ready format.

Erir reminded me of the SD controller on the I/O board and I
will connect a drive to that one tomorrow and see if I can at
least kluge something together just to test the SD section. I
know the rest of the system is fine.

I have the Ball Brothers display doc if anyone is interested
and I am in the process of picking up some more of the hardware

A copy of Kermit for both SD Intel and SD CP/M would probably
be my best bet. Can I send disks to you Dave to get copies and
include money for costs?

Let me know. Thanks.

regards, Steve

>--- Original Message ---
>From: Dave Mabry <>
>Date: 2/26/03 5:57:31 PM
Oh boy! Hey Joe! Another one!
>Hi Steve,
>Welcome to the Intel Development System adiction.
>If you have a double density drive in your 225, that would normally
>you have the double density controller board set plugged into
>Multibus and cabled internally to the built-in Shugart 801 drive.
>the drive is capable of reading/writing single density, the
>density boardset from Intel is NOT. For the MDS Intel only
>single-density boardsets and double-density boardsets. There
>anything that Intel made, supported under ISIS-II, that could
read both
>densities on one drive. It was possible to have both single
and double
>density drives in one MDS, but they were separate drives and
>Check again on the external connector. I seem to remember it
being 37
>pin D-type connector. But I can check again. I have the documentation

>for what signals are where and can type them in, but I'm hoping
>someone (Tony, Joe?) might already have that in a file.
>I can help you with software if you need anything for ISIS-II
>CPM-80 for that machine. I have Kermit configured so that makes
it easy
>to transfer files to/from a PC and then send them in e-mails.
>Let me know what you might want.
>Steve Thatcher wrote:
>> Hi all, I got my Intel MDS225 working today, but I only have
>> a single double density drive on it. I seem to recall that
>> would read single density, but you accessed by a different
>> specifier. I can't seem to find one bit of documentation on
>> ISIS command at home. Does anyone have a summary page they
>> scan and send?
>> I am also looking for the 50 pin connection wiring so I can
>> a drive externally.
>> It was fun booting up ISIS-II version 4.2 and seeing the prompt
>> come up. I also had a CP/M 2.2 version that booted perfectly!
>> best regards, Steve Thatcher
>> .
>Dave Mabry
>Dossin Museum Underwater Research Team
>NACD #2093
Received on Wed Feb 26 2003 - 23:37:00 GMT

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