Jules Richardson asks:
> Does anyone know anything about the mechanical fire control computers as used
> in second world war for UK coastal defence batteries?
Do you know who the manufacturer was?
I have started web pages for Ford Instrument,
and Arma Corporation. And I have some information
on them.
I also received this email just last Sunday from
David Mindell, Associate Professor of the History
of Engineering and Manufacturing at MIT:
> ....... You might be interested in my new book,
> Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and
> Computing before Cybernetics (Johns Hopkins, 2002).
> It has a lot of heretofore unkown history of analog
> computing, including the Ford Instrument Company,
> Sperry, Arma, naval fire control, early Bell Labs
> analog electrical computers ("operational amplifiers,")
> Philbrick, etc. Even a Librascope computer, not unlike
> the one on your page, incorporated into the Mark 56
> radar-controlled gun director.
I have not had a chance to see a copy of this book yet.
But you might look for a copy of this book, or email
the author at mindell at mit dot edu and ask him.
Doug Coward
_at_ home in Poulsbo, WA
Analog Computer Online Museum and History Center
Received on Wed Jan 01 2003 - 00:55:01 GMT