I always wanted to play with this processor, I just never got the chance. I have a copy of the Zilog "Microcomputer Components - Data Book Feb 1980" and a copy of "Programming the Z8000" (a Sybec book), but that is about as far as I ever got. I was tinkering with the thought of modding the SIMH emulator to include a Z8000 system, but I don't have any details or experience of any real systems. I then though to invent a fictitious S100 system, based on the existing Altair emulation, but with a Z8000 CPU. This could most likely run a CPM8000 system, with the appropriate BDOS changes. But a lot of work would be need to get a set of compilers/cross compilers for the Z8000, either in tracking them down or writing them. I saw recently that BDS C has been put into the public domain with full source, so there might be some avenue there. Still to generate CPM (or MPM) for a fictitious machine would be a mammoth undertaking, I have all the source code needed, just not the compilers. It would require an 8080/Z80 to Z800
0 cross assembler (to avoid rewriting all the assembler), a Z8000 PLM compiler, and a Z8000 C compiler.
Anyway I am declaring myself an unfulfilled fan of the Z8000 processor family.
David Kane
-----Original Message-----
From: G?nter Mewes [mailto:info_at_mewesbus.de]
Sent: Saturday, 28 December 2002 12:49 AM
To: cctech_at_classiccmp.org
Subject: Z8000-Fan
Hi Mr. Johnston,
today I was looking for some Z8000 Fans, to talk about experieces ...
Are you interested ?
Please, be so kind and send a mail.
Guenter Mewes (www.guentermewes.de)
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