Not now. I've worked on various equipment used to maintain RADAR sets,
that's where my curiosity lies.
It's one of many things that really perks my interest. I have to be
cautious about what stuff I fire up, since I live under one of the
approaches to IAH Houston. The FAA doesn't take very kindly to spurious
emissions that affect trivial things like aircraft navigation and
: )
It's interesting to compare military and commercial electronics design. I
have a few Korean-vintage radio sets, and they are very well made and
designed. It's quite an education to see what was accomplished over 50
years ago using a few vacuum tubes, capacitors, and inductors.
My Mom tells me stories about the old NCR mainframe she used to run when
she was in the Air Force during the sixties.
Very fascinating.....
- Matt
At 06:18 PM 1/5/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Matthew Sell wrote:
> > (anybody collect RADAR equipment here?)
>Hey... do /you/ collect RADAR equipment? I don't, but I've an
>acquaintence who has an interest in it.
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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