Subject: Re: substitute for TI TIL306/307 Display?

From: Frank Arnold <>
Date: Mon Jan 6 06:31:18 2003

>From: Joe <>
>Subject: Re: substitute for TI TIL306/307 Display?
>Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 17:00:23
> The 306/307s also have built in BCD decoders. I've been trying to find
>a data sheet on the 311 so that I can see what the difference is between it
>and the 306/307.


TIL306/7 is a decadecounter, latch, dekoder+driver and led-bar display, and has
a puls-input to the counter.

TIl308/9 is a latch, dekoder+driver and led-bar display, and has BCD-inputs for
data to be displayed.

306 and 308 are identical in its display-dimensions and aparance, the function
differs however. To use a TIL 308 as a replacement for a 306 you will need to
add externalley somewhere a 7490 decade-counter between the original circuit
and the TIL308.

I have a few TIL308 available, if this rework is feasable to you.

TIl310/1 is a latch, dekoder+driver and led-pixel display, and has BCD-inputs
for data to be displayed. Thisone also needs an external 7490 counter in your
usage, on top of that, the display has a different appearance.
Someone else could have those for you.

So, choose the alternative that best suits you, I would continue to search for
the original TIL306, or change the whole display to something else althogether.

Frank Arnold
Received on Mon Jan 06 2003 - 06:31:18 GMT

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