On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Sjaak Jobses wrote:
> Hi!,
> The site, http://hardware.localhost.nl contains
> pictures of computing and networking hardware.
> We've also got a small collection of all kinds
> of old hardware.
> As most of you are probally the owners of old,
> exotic and cool hardware, a contribution would be
> greatly appreciated by sending in your pictures!
> Anyway, drop by and have a look. ;)
Well, I'm browsing through it, and at least the SGI and networking
categories look good, but your PDP-11 category could use some work... Why
is there a picture of some PC (or something) with a debian logo as picture
#1, for instance?
Looks like a good start, but if I were you, I would focus more on the
quality and descriptions to go with the pictures than the sheer quantity
of pictures.
Just my $0.02
Purdue Universtiy ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage
Received on Mon Jan 06 2003 - 08:31:00 GMT