Loch NeXT Monster

From: Clinton Baker <clint_at_mutantindustries.com>
Date: Mon Jan 6 14:18:01 2003

If the battery is dead, the machine may lose it's boot path info contained
in the ROM Monitor. If the display is dead, it makes running these guys a
little tricky since the cubes and monostations weren't designed to be run
headless. If this is the case, you can try typing
b sd
a minute or so after boot to see if it will continue on it's way, assuming
you boot from the fist SCSI device in the system.

You might want to check the monitor cable as well. I had the display
"fail" on my cube, as well as other booting problems. I swapped out that
monitor cable and the machine magically came back to life.


On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, robert erianne wrote:
> Battery replacement instructions for NeXTCube and Dimension are provided in the User's Reference.  But I own a NeXTstation N1100 equipped with a decade-old battery and whose screen went dark during use.
> Powering down and rebooting were normal, except for the dark screen.  According to the User's Reference, the screen problem suggests a weak battery, whose replacement must be performed by a dealer, in spite of the ease of access.
> I replaced the battery and hoped for the best, but now the system doesn't boot past the flashing of the keyboard lights.  Obviously, the battery-maintained parameter settings in the PRAM have been lost.
> Since Mac people developed the NeXTstation, I think I need to zap the PRAM by holding down a key combo during bootup.  But I may also need to reinstall the system software, which I don't have.
> If you can assist my recovery with instructions, a service manual, and/or a NeXTSTEP 3.0 CDROM, please contact 'Buck' at nashbucket_at_iname.com.
Received on Mon Jan 06 2003 - 14:18:01 GMT

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