At 16:33 09/01/2003, you wrote:
>And thusly Adrian Vickers spake:
> >
> > Today, I picked up (for just the cost of petrol getting there :) a Mator
> > Shark hard-drive for CBM PETs. All 22meg of it! And it WORKS!
>Is this a third-party HD?
Yup, made by a British company (Mator, oddly enough ;), who went into
liquidation in 1993. I found only 2 on-line references to Mator Shark - the
guy I picked the drive up from, and a disc listing (on ICPUG's site IIRC)
with a utility for it.
Unfortunately, it's been used as a C64 hard-drive, which means all of the
PET utilities are missing; which is a bugger as it means I need to somehow
write a routine to test each sector, unless I can find a copy of the
original utility somewhere. Maybe ICPUG have a copy somewhere...
> >
> > Sounds like a jet engine when you turn it on, and it's about the size of
> > Texas, but waaay cool :)
>A pic would be nice! :)
Soon, soon! I only just got it home! I also hope to get a sound sample of
it winding up, because it's well worth it. I've measured it too: 21" by
14.5" by 6.5" (dwh)
> > Plus assorted other gubbins, some of which is probably too new for this
> n/g
> > (Amiga, +4, a 4030 floppy drive, 3 printers, an Amiga HDD & C64
> > serial->IEEE488 i/f box).
>What type of Amiga and Amiga HDD?
A500, and the HDD is an Impact Series II by Great Valley Products Inc. I
don't know anything more about it yet, I'm too busy drooling near (not
on...) the Shark :)
Cheers, Ade.
Be where it's at, B-Racing!
Received on Thu Jan 09 2003 - 11:20:01 GMT