OT: paging MAC expert(s) --- What's a Performa

From: Owen Robertson <univac2_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Wed Jan 15 11:51:00 2003

on 1/15/03 9:42 AM, Paul Mika at pdm4606_at_sbcglobal.net wrote:

> The "Performa" line was an attempt by Apple to sell through non-traditional
> stores like Sears and such. It was super easy to buy. It came preconfigured
> and was sold as a total package including mon. and printer.

And usually a modem and microphone. They were definitely geared towards home
users who wanted a packaged, all-in-one solution. Not a bad marketing
strategy really, but the naming conventions got way out of hand. Performa,
Quadra, Centris, LC, with meaningless numbers tacked on the end... The
PowerMac line took back control over the naming of the systems.

The first Mac I ever had in my home was a PowerMac 6100/60 that my mom
bought for desktop publishing work back when the PowerMac line was brand
new. It was amazing to see Windows 3.1 running faster under emulation than
on my friend's top of the line, custom built 486. Yes, seriously.

> I believe the 6360 may be a "Power PC" and faster than the older Macs. It
> may also have remote infrared capabilities. You could see that in the small
> red window on the front.

I have a 200Mhz 6400 tower. Pretty nice machine, except that it lacks
ethernet. I've got it running MacOS 8.0, and until recently, I also had BeOS
on it. Runs both really well. Has a built in subwoofer for incredibly rich
sound. My main complaint: Other than adding RAM or PCI cards, upgrades are
nearly impossible with that impenetrable case.

More info on the 6360 can be found at:

> I am glad that you stuck with Mac an got an iMac.

Yes, that was a wise move in my opinion. I never used to think much of Macs
until I got one. I loved it so much I moved everything to Mac. Now all my
main computers are Macs. And I am, as the book says, learning Cocoa with

Owen Robertson
Received on Wed Jan 15 2003 - 11:51:00 GMT

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