How many PDP-12's are there now?

From: Andreas Freiherr <>
Date: Wed Jan 15 13:45:46 2003


please see my earlier posting "Guess What Operating System...": you will
find a PDP-12 mentioned that is reported alive and well in
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. If you want to know more, the person to contact
would be Wolfgang Leber (see


Robert Krten wrote:
> So...
> all this discussion about PDP-12's has got me curious.
> How many of them are there in existence?
> It would certainly be interesting to get a list of machines and at
> least city locations -- I'll start the list:

Andreas Freiherr
Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany
Received on Wed Jan 15 2003 - 13:45:46 GMT

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