>If anyone wants to send me info, I'll volunteer to collect and put it
>up on my website (I won't put email addresses or other incriminating
>evidence unless you want me to :-)).
OK, reports from the UK:
I have one:
She had two sisters, at the Burden Neurological Institute. I collected
another one along with it, which I immediately passed on to... a person
involved with a certain UK 'used DEC' trader, for his personal collection.
No names, no pack drill...
The third machine there was retained for a number of years, it was still
required to be fired up occasionally to read old LINCtapes. It was promised
to me, I called religously every few months... 'no we're still using it'...
until the fateful day last year I called 'oh we got rid of that a few months
ago, we gave it away to someone else who was interested since you hadn't
called in a while...'. Bugger.
Asked if they would put me in touch with this chap, as he had got a large
quantity of spares with it, including a complete CPU/memory 'gate' - enough
to build a fourth machine if he had had a rack etc. - thought it would make
sense to pool resources. Said they would ask him for permission to put me in
touch, he adamantly refused... secretive collectors, bah humbug.
So that's three in the UK. Four, with the addition of the Science Museum /
CCS example. Most are probably working or near-working, mine has some things
to fix, been in storage for years.
Now, I would be interested in a list of pdp-15's...
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Received on Wed Jan 15 2003 - 22:33:52 GMT