PET 2001 oddity - solved!

From: <(>
Date: Sat Jan 18 09:31:01 2003

On Jan 18, 13:28, Adrian Vickers wrote:

> Turned out to be dead simple; yet another blown 2114.
> I figured the chip _at_ $0400 (i.e. the start of BASIC) was faulty, seeing
> how the machine wouldn't take a single line of BASIC. So, I swapped the
> appropriate bank out to another bank - and presto! BASIC worked again.


> Having done this, I then swapped *one* of the two chips (according to the
> schematic, there are two chips for each $0400 block of memory - why is
> this?)

A 2114 is 1K x 4 bits wide, so they're used in pairs to make bytes.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Sat Jan 18 2003 - 09:31:01 GMT

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