> Wayne M. Smith wrote:
> > Often it simply isn't worth it to build upon something unless you
> > enjoy exclusive rights. The restoration of old films is a good
> > example. The studios that hold copyrights to old pictures
> spend huge
> > amounts of money to restore the prints for issue in DVD format
> > precisely because they hold exclusive rights and can make back what
> > they spend. In the case of public domain films, this
> simply doesn't
> > happen.
> Demonstrably false. UCLA has restored many films that the
> studios weren't willing to spend a penny on; some still in
> copyright but most expired. In general they've done a much
> better restoration job than the studios usually do.
Perhaps I need to write a bit more clearly. The antecedent for "this
simply doesn't happen" in my post is "studios . . . spend huge amounts
of money to restore the prints for issue in DVD format." UCLA, last
time I looked, is not a studio. Academia is almost always an exception
to any general rule.
Received on Sat Jan 18 2003 - 22:14:00 GMT
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