VMS command question and help, off-topic

From: Adrien Farkas <freddy_at_kotelna.sk>
Date: Mon Jan 20 12:51:19 2003

Adrien Farkas (freddy_at_kotelna.sk) wrote :

> > Anyway, I managed to get it using a download
> > manager and I've managed to restore it to
> > a floppy. I don't have a Multia so I won't
> > be able to test it. I can either dig out
> > rawread or try using dd on my Solaris
> > box - just let me know which you would
> > find easiest to deal with (and the exact dd
> > command you would prefer, if that matters).
> dd method, please.

sorry, didn't read the stuff properly, the command is

# /etc/init.d/volmgt stop
# dd if=/dev/rdiskette0 of=multia_v72.raw bs=1024
# /etc/init.d/volmgt start

multia_v72.raw is the stuff I'm looking for.

...for more info 'finger freddy_at_kotol.kotelna.sk'
Received on Mon Jan 20 2003 - 12:51:19 GMT

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