> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctech-admin_at_classiccmp.org [mailto:cctech-admin_at_classiccmp.org]On
> Behalf Of Sipke de Wal
> Sent: 23 January 2003 21:13
> To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
> Subject: Re: Free stuff
> The first soundblaster was an 8-Bit PC-XT slot card
> and could be used in a PC/XT !
> (Still got one around here somewhere)
> Same goes for propriety CD-ROM drives like
> Sony, Mitshumi an Panasonic (Non ATAPI))
> Sipke de Wal
Heh, you've reminded me I've got a single speed Mitsumi drive complete with
ISA card in an old Apricot XEN - the whole mechanism, transport and all,
comes out of the case when you hit the eject button and the top flips up
like a record player! They obviously hadn't mastered the 'tray' idea at that
point :)
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Received on Sat Jan 25 2003 - 04:25:48 GMT