My PDP-12 is alive and well, and thanks to John Bardyniak, it actually ran
its plotter test last month.
Jay Jaeger
At 12:03 AM 1/15/2003 -0500, Robert Krten wrote:
>all this discussion about PDP-12's has got me curious.
>How many of them are there in existence?
>It would certainly be interesting to get a list of machines and at
>least city locations -- I'll start the list:
> Ottawa/ON/Canada (mine)
> Roswell/GA/USA
>If anyone wants to send me info, I'll volunteer to collect and put it
>up on my website (I won't put email addresses or other incriminating
>evidence unless you want me to :-)).
>The other interesting thing that this discussion begs is the topic of
>(borrowed term) "biomagnification". It's from the environmental field,
>and basically relates to how bigger animals get more than their "fair"
>share of poisons because they eat smaller animals which have already
>concentrated the poisons in their systems. I've borrowed the term because
>lately what I've been thinking about is the accumulated collections of
>people who are no longer interested in collecting -- in this case,
>instead of just getting one or two machines at a time, you tend to
>get "clusters" of machines -- hence "biomagnification" :-)
>So... any collectors out there getting rid of PDP stuff? :-)
>Looking for Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-1 through PDP-15 minicomputers!
>Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
>Realtime Systems Architecture, Consulting and Training at
Jay R. Jaeger The Computer Collection
Received on Mon Jan 27 2003 - 21:50:55 GMT