goin to CA soon, to be a CC tychoon

From: Wayne M. Smith <wmsmith_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Tue Jun 10 01:57:00 2003

> On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Doc wrote:
> > >> I will agree that expecting *help* there is nuts. But
> folks, I
> > >>bill in the neighborhood of $100/hr for knowing what to do
> > >>with/to/about a computer. Can I *really* expect a $9/hr
> sales kid
> > >>to know more than I do?
> > >
> > >
> > > Perhaps not, but I sure the hell expect them to be able
> to say more
> > > than, "I don't know".
> >
> > Why? Much better "I don't know" than "I don't know, but
> instead of
> > admitting it, I'm gonna try to blow smoke up your butt."
> When the question is, "Do you have any more of these?" or
> "Where is the <x>?" (you know, simple stuff like that) then
> the answer "I don't know" is not what I would consider
> "helpful". They may as well not even bother coming onto the
> sales floor.
> > AKA CompUSA sales people. Those idjits are at least as
> clueless as
> > Fry's help, but seem to be fundamentally incapable of admitting it.
> I don't shop there either so I wouldn't know.
> > They're kids, man. They're working for dirt wages, and they get
> > less training time than a janitor. And I've found, at least
> at Fry's,
> > that if I'm half nice to them, they'll try really hard to find
> > somebody who does have an answer.
> My mood turns sour only after asking them for help. I give
> everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

The only place I ever ask for help is the hardware store, and then only
to ask what aisle something is in. At Fry's I give the evil eye to
anyone that approaches.
Received on Tue Jun 10 2003 - 01:57:00 BST

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