Your Turtle beach card uses the Aureal chipset which is THE most compatible
PCI sound card for dos games that I know of. Are you using the latest
drivers for it? Is there a hardware conflict by chance?
How ancient of a dos game are you planning on playing?
The very old games wont run on new hardware period because of speed issues,
video glitches, and of course sound card problems.
Try this site for game patches and the last drivers for all aureal cards
(and generic reference drivers):
They have a forum you can ask hardware/game related questions in.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ethan Dicks" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Sound for DOS games on modern hardware?
> --- Mail List <> wrote:
> > I've got some Sound Blasters and Sound Blaster compatibles that I'd
> > be willing to trade for. Some ISA or Nubus parts might do.
> Assuming that I could get my girlfriend to allow me to rip out her
> sound card and put in a different one, there's the issue of PCI
> vs ISA. This machine has no ISA slots. The question is and remains
> how to play ancient DOS games that require sound on "modern" hardware.
> On my own machine, I had to disable the SBpro emulation device under
> W98 because it was causing my GUI to lock up after a random amount
> of time (minutes after reboot, not hours) - not the mouse pointer
> and keyboard, just the ability to select items with the mouse. This
> is with a Turtle Beach Montego Bay II card... Windows sound works
> just fine, but to keep the machine running, SBpro emulation had to go.
> I have solved the immediate problem with Wolf3D by grabbing an OpenGL
> implemntation of it (that uses my existing commercial maps). It runs
> just fine under W98, music and all (DirectX and what not). It does not
> solve the more abstract problem of how to play "Space Quest", etc.
> -ethan
Received on Thu Jun 19 2003 - 10:40:01 BST