Free DEC MINC-11 in NW England

From: Antonio Carlini <>
Date: Mon Mar 3 13:56:01 2003

> think. That way, with a couple of tarps & a pallet, I should
> be able to
> pick up (har har) pretty much any old iron. So long as it can
> be lifted, of
> course...

The man who turned up at the office to collect the kit
that the reseller had bought, had a van (a Sprinter or some
such) with an "after-market" built in tail-lift. By that
I mean it was not visible outside the van (like say a
Luton's would be) and it looked like an add-on rather than a
standard fitting. Probably cost a bit too though (and my
guess is something like a DECarray 900 would have tipped
a titchy van like that over anyway :-) )

Antonio Carlini   
Received on Mon Mar 03 2003 - 13:56:01 GMT

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