At 11:52 02/03/2003, Witchy wrote:
>S'OK - I'm off there tomorrow morning to pick it up
Nice one.
>and THEN worry about how
>I'm going to get it in the garage :)
The /only/ way :)
'course, space is not my problem, just the transport. However, the old
Senator's starting to make more rattly noises than I'm totally comfortable
with, so I'll be changing it sometime this year. For a nice BFO pickup I
think. That way, with a couple of tarps & a pallet, I should be able to
pick up (har har) pretty much any old iron. So long as it can be lifted, of
>The garage was built in 1910
>and seems to be wide enough for an Austin 7 :)
Snap! My garage will just fit the width of a Ford Granada (1" spare either
side of the wing mirrors), but not the length... The Rover 820 completely
defeated it, as would the Senator. Hey ho. Just have to fill it with old
computers instead, I think :)
Cheers, Ade.
Be where it's at, B-Racing!
Received on Mon Mar 03 2003 - 13:32:00 GMT