Bernoulli 10+10

From: r. 'bear' stricklin <>
Date: Mon Mar 3 22:12:01 2003

Hey, guys.

I'm having trouble turning up information on the old Bernoulli 10 MB
drives---the ones that used 8" media---that isn't mostly rumor and
innuendo. Anybody want to take a stab at positively confirming or denying
any or all of the following?

1) The Bernoulli 10+10 uses a custom interface. I need the correct
controller card for my PC (or better, my Mac).

2) The Bernoulli 10+10 uses a SASI interface. I still need the correct
controller card for my PC (or better, my Mac).

3) The Bernoulli 10+10 will work on any classic SCSI controller. I need
the correct cable magic. (Describing the correct cable magic earns bonus


Received on Mon Mar 03 2003 - 22:12:01 GMT

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