Hello again,
I've got a Sinclair (well, Amstrad really, but it has Sinclair printed on
the front) monitor here, which claims to be a QL monitor. To the extent
that it has a captive QL-specific signal lead...
However, the display is too wide, and marginally extends past the bezel in
both directions; only by about 1/4 of one character or so, but just enough
to be seriously annoying.
So, today, I whizzed the back off to adjust it - but there's no "horizontal
size" pot :( There are trimpots for V.size, H.hold and Sub-bright. There's
adjusters for focus & brightness (or maybe contrast, it was hard to tell
since it was simply labelled "Screen". There's also externally accessible
controls for V.hold, brightness & contrast. On the back of the tube,
there's trimpots to adjust red & blue intensity (with two pots per colour).
It looks like there ought to be a green pot as well, but there's no trimmer
there, just a fixed resistor.
So, is it the case that I cannot adjust the h.size? Is it a case of go
rooting around looking for the component (a resistor, I assume) which sets
this, and replace it with a pot?
Any advice appreciated.
Cheers, Ade.
Be where it's at, B-Racing!
Received on Tue Mar 04 2003 - 10:04:00 GMT