Locating older systems & parts... (was: RE: making disk images)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tillman, Edward" <Edward.Tillman_at_valero.com>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 2:45 AM
Subject: Locating older systems & parts... (was: RE: making disk images)
> Hmm... And which "Texas" might that be? Sure isn't here...
I've heard many Texans on the list say something like `I passed up the quad
Xeon box at the salvation army 'cause it only had a half-gig of ram and they
wanted 45 bucks for it.' Ok, maybe not quite like that, but the stuff they
talked about would *never* be seen in a local store, or priced higher than
new. Literally. The local $thrift_store_charities are hell-bent on making
a profit, and it bugs the crap outta me to see them selling junk, for
obscene prices, to poor people who might not know any better. Whoops--
sorry. </rant>
> Most of the Salvation Army, Good Will and other similar stores in San
> Antonio tend to throw away computers and parts. But, you never know when
> that's going to happen, so ya gotta dive their dumpsters daily. Often,
> you come away with is the stench. (Why do they always seem to park these
> places next to Class-D or 1-star restaurants?!)
Around here, they just started enforcing the
felony-to-take-it-outta-the-donation-bin laws, and I've a hunch they'd apply
it to the dumpsters too. The city has also started enforcing the
it's-litter-if-it-ain't-in-the-bin laws, it'll be interesting to see what
happens the first time they bust someone for taking somerthing from outside
the bin.
> Ed Tillman
Received on Thu Mar 06 2003 - 18:07:00 GMT
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