> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctech-admin_at_classiccmp.org [mailto:cctech-admin_at_classiccmp.org]On
> Behalf Of Stuart Johnson
> Sent: 06 March 2003 05:53
> To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
> Subject: Attn. Witchy -- Infoserver tape and disk access ISO question
> Could someone enlighten me as to the status of the ISO? I'm ready
> to test my
> InfoServer 1000 module I got last fall and it would be nice to do any
> upgrades, etc during the same interval.
Hi Stuart,
It's done :) However I didn't post the FTP address after I watched Fred NvK
download it to his ISO store and realised I'd have to throttle upload speeds
since it really slowed my router down, and that was just one upload!. If
Fred doesn't pick up on this and post his links contact me off list and I'll
tell you where to get 'em.
Oh - I've just checked my transfer log and you've got 'em anyway :)
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Received on Fri Mar 07 2003 - 16:37:53 GMT