Locating older systems & parts... (was: RE: making disk images)

From: Robert F. Schaefer <rschaefe_at_gcfn.org>
Date: Fri Mar 7 20:02:00 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chad Fernandez" <fernande_at_internet1.net>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: Locating older systems & parts... (was: RE: making disk images)

> Robert F. Schaefer wrote:
> > felony-to-take-it-outta-the-donation-bin laws,
> I'd never take something out of the donation bin..... That would be
> stealing it since the original owner was giving it to the charity.

I don't object to people trading. Just cut out the markup in the middle,
the way I see it. Also, as a general rule, I don't have too much problem
with people taking stuff out either, the assumption being that they need it,
but just plain stealing is wrong.

There was a case here a while back, some dudes saw a couple of guys cleaning
out a bin into a panel truck. They *chased* them until the police caught
up! I probably wouldn't have done that.

> > and I've a hunch they'd apply
> > it to the dumpsters too.
> on the other hand.... out of the dumpster is okay since it isn't wanted
> by the original owner or the charity. It also keeps stuff out of

Except the dumpster is private property. Theft pure and simple, in the eyes
of the law. Not that I would pass one up...

> The city has also started enforcing the
> > it's-litter-if-it-ain't-in-the-bin laws, it'll be interesting to see
> > happens the first time they bust someone for taking something from
> > the bin.
> We don't actually have bins anymore around here, that I know of......
> people kept setting them on fire!! I do see things stacked outside of
> the Goodwill store, under the canopy, However.

A lot of places won't allow a bin anymore, but they're still outside the
thrift stores. Stacks outside are what's considered litter and subject to
prosecution, according to the new signs up.

> Chad Fernandez

Received on Fri Mar 07 2003 - 20:02:00 GMT

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