Following up to my own post... I should have taken the easy approach.
At 4:19 PM -0800 3/11/03, John A. Dundas III wrote:
>Well, nobody else is responding (publicly) so I'll take a stab at it.
>At 5:23 PM -0800 3/10/03, Christopher McNabb wrote:
>>I've been attempting to do some macro programming of the DEQNA Ethernet
>>card under RSTS/E. All of the system calls to actually send/receive
>>packetes seem to be very well documented and fairly easy to use. What I
>>can't find in any of the manuals (or on the net) is a system call that
>>will return the card's MAC address.
>I'm not aware of such a function either.
The release notes for V9.3 indicate that the Ethernet interfaces are
available for DECnet use only. There is no direct (general purpose)
interface. Future releases are promised to have general support.
The release notes for V9.4 indicate that the promised general support was
added. One should look at the RSTS/E Programming Manual for use under
Basic, the RSTS/E System Directives Manual for Macro.
Chapter 11 deals with Ethernet programming. It indicates that a .SPEC call
documented in the System Directives manual is the way to go. Unfortunately
the manual indicates that the .SPEC call is too complicated for Basic; use
Macro. The correct revision System Directives manual is not available at
'elvira' (yet?). However, if you could find the System Directives manual
for V9.4 or later, you should be able to do what you want with a .SPEC call.
Received on Wed Mar 12 2003 - 17:25:00 GMT