--- Jim Kearney <jim_at_jkearney.com> wrote:
> > Though you might salvage a plastic 8008 from an 11/34 or pdp8a (??)
I have a ceramic 8008 on an 11/34 console board sitting in a pile. I
could certainly borrow it for this application. I've been thinking of
a Mark-8, but I will probably never have enough time to build an original.
This one (or the uMark8) sounds feasible.
> 'New' and working 8008's are not that hard to come by. I recently bought
> 15 of them for a project (http://www.jkearney.com/tiny8demo/) and could
> get more if necessary. Not cheap, though.
How much is "not cheap"? $50? More?
Would you consider a group buy of the Tiny-8 design? I doubt I'd want to
build one at prototype-PCB costs.
Received on Thu Mar 13 2003 - 10:48:00 GMT