This is pretty typical of MS-DOS; it has a 504Mb limit. There are a number
of "disk managers" available that (typically) boot up before DOS, and fool
it. One popular tool was "ontrack", which many mfrs supplied customised
for just their own drives.
There are a number of tools linked from
I've used ezdrive9 in the past with WD discs with success.
(Worst episode of this fault I rememeber was using a caching IDE controller
[expansion board with own memory] which reported a 1Gb disc, but wrapped
around at 504Mb - overwriting the boot sectors and root directory as we
wrote the 505th Mb...)
At 00:09 14/03/2003 -0800, Ron Hudson wrote:
>Please forgive me if this is Off Topic...
>I have a 1 gig drive in a 486. The BIOS sees the whole 1.2 gig (wd caviar
>and I have set the parameters from the plate on the drive into the bios...
>But FDISK insists that the drive is only 504 MB. Who ate half of my disk
>can I get it back?
>I have tried to create secondary partitions but "no disk space remains"
Received on Fri Mar 14 2003 - 03:19:01 GMT