At 00:03 13/03/2003, Witchy wrote:
> > Actually, I may be able to transfer via floppy disk, as I have an OPD
> > disk interface (How cool is that? I even have the manuals!) - it plugs
> > into the ROM pack. The one unknown at this time is what format the
> > floppy is written in; but since it at least takes the same drives as the
> > QL, it should be possible to read one way or another. Unlike Commodore's
> > damn GCR format.
>Hehe, given the rest of the OPD stuff I'd be VERY surprised if the floppy
>format is compatible :)
And you'd be right :(
Still, I've yet to get the sector editor out on it to see if it's possible
to drag the raw data off the disk. One can but hope...
Cheers, Ade.
Be where it's at, B-Racing!
Received on Fri Mar 14 2003 - 06:01:00 GMT