No, it's an H/Z89 was: Re: Z-100 find ?

From: <(>
Date: Mon Mar 17 00:25:36 2003

Stumbling across this thread, I couldn't help but notice the problem. One of
the first order of business on the '89 is to check the power supply Molex
connector on the back of the supply. This has a habit of getting too hot and
carbonizing. Bypassing the heavy current lead is the usual way to handle
that. You also need to check on the controller board to see if it's set up
for hard-sectored disc or softsectored ones.
The hard sectored (10 sectors) are probably long gone from this world. I
still have mine and it occasionally gets the dust blown away.
For those who learned to use a good typewriter this is the best keyboard ever
installed on a PC.
Received on Mon Mar 17 2003 - 00:25:36 GMT

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