Equipment Lifting

From: Dave Babcock <>
Date: Mon Mar 17 12:17:47 2003


I just checked out lab (here at HP) and the motorized machine we have for
that is made by Alum-a-Lift. Here's the contact information:

     Alum-a-Lift, Inc.
     7909 Bankhead Hwy.
     Winston, CA 30187
     (770) 489-0328

Hope that helps.

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to locate the manufacturer or source for a
> device used to lift equipment into racks. This is a
> manually operated device (or electric?) used to lift
> disk drives, servers, etc. and place them in racks.
> They should be portable as I've seen HP CE's use them.
> Can anyone give me a pointer where I might find
> information on this equipment, or even what its
> called? I'd like to use this to stack and move heavier
> equipment (HP7937s, RA80s, etc).
> Thanks!
> Lee Courtney
Received on Mon Mar 17 2003 - 12:17:47 GMT

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