Strange/Wonderful Microchannel Vid - Aud caputre card

From: John Lawson <>
Date: Sun Mar 23 13:52:01 2003

  I have here what looks like a Microchannel Video/Audio subsystem. It has
a Lucent logo on the breakout box. It is a full-length card and 3/4
length daughter card full of PLD and ASICS and other fat SMD chips. There
is a header and 20-way shielded ribbon cable.

  The breakout box has two 1/8" jacks marked LEFT - MICROPHONE - RIGHT and
beneath that a slide switch for mono/stereo.

 Then two yellow RCAs marked 2 - VIDEO - 1

 Beneath that are 8 RCAs in two groups, AUDIO 1 and 2, LEFT/RIGHT,

  On the boards themselves, the main board is marked 'PCI ENCODER VER4' in
solder mask - one big visble chip has:

 "LSI" logo; L64745QC-30
             JPEG CODER
             NNG 9540

  Another similar chip nearby says "DCT PROCESSOR"

Obviously this is a Video / Audio capture subsystem of some kind.

  It also is obviously an advanced prototype - the breakout box is a
standard molded plastic 'project box' with 'Brother P-Touch' type lables
on it.

  Anyway, rather than put it on eBay (undoubtedly finding out that I have
a priceless artefact that will ensure my happy and contented retirement) I
thought I'd just see if anybody here a.) recognizes it and b.) wants it...



PS: No, I haven't posted pix yet. I s'pose I could be coerced, tho....
Received on Sun Mar 23 2003 - 13:52:01 GMT

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