Kevin Handy wrote:
> David Woyciesjes wrote:
> > Well, I hooked my VT420 (9600.8.N.1) to the VAX, and got no reaction on
> >the terminal. The LED diplay on the CPU card started at F, then flipped
> >A, and sat there.
> This site has a picture and a short description of the panel.
Thanks. That does help some. Well, my VAX doesn't have the console baud
rate selection switch. I wonder if my VT is set to the wrong speed, and
that's why I'm not getting anything? I guess I'll start at VT100 mode,
300 for the speed, and 8/None/1 settings. Unless anybody knows what it
probably is...
On that page, it doesn't mention test A, which is where apparently my
VAX is stopping... Hmmm...
---Dave Woyciesjes
---ICQ# 905818
Received on Tue Mar 25 2003 - 12:16:01 GMT