>2 to 5 cents (US) per pound as Motor Breakage. They are heavy.
Ok... not enough to worry about. I'm not sure how much it weighs, but
even at 500 lbs (which it isn't) and 5 cents per pound... that's only 25
The nearest public scrap yard that I am aware of is a good 25 minutes
away, plus I would need to line up a van to cart it. I'm not sure the
effort is worth a max of 25 dollars.
Of course, knowing my speedyness on this, I can probably just take it
with me the next time I go to one of my remote offices... there is a
scapper 5 minutes down the road from them. Provided the line isn't too
long, I can take it there (and if it is long, I can just take it there
and dump it for free... that is what I usually do when I have to junk
stuff there).
Received on Tue Mar 25 2003 - 15:38:01 GMT