> > What about software that will emulate a VT100 on a PC?
> Not that I'm the original requestor (I have VT52s, VT100s, VT220s
> and VT240s, myself), but if one is going to consider using an
> emulator, one has to ask does it do double-high-double-wide? 132 column?
> Have a PF1/Gold key for EDT, etc.?
That's the *real* trick, finding *anything* that comes close to giving you
keypad support along with any other features that you might require. I can
live without the double-high-double-wide and 132 column, but I've got to
have the keypad!
> I use emulators because I have to, but occasionally I find times where I
> _really_ want a terminal (and not just 'cause it looks right). OTOH, if
> I need to force-feed stuff down the throat of a classic system, even
> an xterm window that's connected in some way to a serial port (kermit,
> typically), is a great way to go.
I find that the following script, that I got off of USENET a few years ago,
is able to turn a Xterm into a usable VT100 (with keypad support).
> But, I suspect, in this case, it's simple aesthetics - the VT100 was
> the dominant terminal when the 11/44 was current. It's nice to have
> the proper accessories for ones vintage machines.
I think Jay said as much, and I know that is why I've got a DECwriter II and
three VT100's. They're for my /44, despite the fact that I really prefer a
VT420 (and that's all I've used on the /44 so far). Still I've got them so
that should I ever want, I can set the /44 up for a 'museum type' display.
Received on Tue Mar 25 2003 - 17:05:01 GMT