Bingo! You're exactly right. Give that man a nickel!
Yesterday I found a Tektronix CS-3260 test station (three 6'+ tall racks bolted together!) I'm not sure what it's supposed to do but it had a DEC looking system in it. I pulled the CPU and found that it's a DEC 11/35/FC but the front panel is two-tone blue instead of the DEC red-pink and it's marked CP-1160. There are still two RL-01s in the chassis along with a DEC mag tape drive (glass in door smashed) and a DEC paper tape reader/punch (with the read head smashed :-( I pulled the CPU, all the cables to it and the power supplies. I thought I'd E-bay them or trade them off for something a bit smaller and more usefull. Is there any other parts (DEC or Tektronix) worth rescuing?
At 10:23 PM 3/27/03 -0800, you wrote:
>Hey, Joe,
>I remember seeing these test systems when I worked at Tek. As I recall
>(the memories
>are a bit murky) the CPU's in these test systems were indeed some OEM
>form of PDP-11.
>I think that Tek engineered their own front panel for the machine, but
>most of the 'insides'
>were pure DEC, with the exception of some additional Tek-made interface
>boards that interfaced the
>test system electronics to the CPU.
>Can you take a picture of it and send it to me -- it might jog some
Sure thing. The CPU is sitting in my drive way!
>Rick Bensene
>The Old Calculator Web Museum
Received on Fri Mar 28 2003 - 08:38:44 GMT