Hacking an RS-170 tap into a B&W TV set?

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun Mar 30 15:54:01 2003

Tony (and others ;-),

How does one go about looking for the right place to install an NTSC
video input jack into a B&W TV without schematics? I have the "Cheap
Video Cookbook" which describes the technique, but I'm trying to do
this to a $20 K-Mart 4" B&W TV set (Spectra Model 52-BWR). Among
other appeals, it's battery/auto/AC powered and should work great with,
say, an 1802 with an 1861 (Elf, VIP, et al). Good portable demo set
for low-res graphics.

If it helps, the largest IC appears to be marked as follows...

   EP3 II


Received on Sun Mar 30 2003 - 15:54:01 BST

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