On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 22:30:48 -0500 (EST)
Patrick Finnegan <pat_at_purdueriots.com> wrote:
# > Try the following to figure out what startup file is trying to mount the disk:
# >
# >
# > I'm guessing it's located in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, you can simply edit the
# > file by doing a:
# >
# > $ EDIT SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM and either remove the line totally or comment it
# > out by putting a '!' after the '$' on that line. When done with your edit
# > do a CTRL-Z to save and exit (assuming you're using the default editor).,
# I don't think he's going to be able to edit the file if he can't get the
# machine to boot up because it's waiting for the op to mount the volume.
# I'm guessing he needs to know how to get the machine to boot without
# executing the script that's trying to mount that.
# My suggestion would be to search google for how to recover a lost root
# password in VMS, that'll probably point you in the direction you need to
# look to get a DCL prompt without executing startup scripts.
Doh! I actually performed that procedure when I first got my hands on the VAX a while back. The memory is not what it used to be ;)
## James W. Brinkerhoff <jwb_at_paravolve.net>
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Received on Sun Mar 30 2003 - 21:37:00 BST