On 2003.05.27 17:34 Greg Elkin wrote:
> Got given a couple of "Dyna 5" BA23-size QBUS enclosures a bit ago -
> a bit tatty (rusted & dirty, must try to get a sandblaster or
> something to see if they can be rescued)
Sand-blasting is great. I applied this to some parts of a rusted
PDP-11/34A, repainted them, looks like new. Reminds me. I still haven't
sand-blasted the card cage...
> dual height QBUS
> Baydel (http://www.baydel.com) logo on the handles,
Can you put it into a KA650 / MV III / MV 3500 or better machine and do
show qbus
on the ">>>" prompt?
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Tue May 27 2003 - 13:23:01 BST