I scored 41.22288% - Major Geek. That's embarrassing. It's a good thing I
don't like Tolkein, or I'd really have gone nose down into the dirt.
My suggestions for additions:
* I have a goatee
* I have a Van Dyke
* I know the difference
* I have a full beard
* My beard is longer than the hair on my head
* My beard reaches my belly (standing)
* My belly reaches my beard (sitting)
* The hair on my head reaches my shoulders (men only)
* ...and I wash it weekly whether it needs it or not
* The hair on my head is less than 1" long (women only)
* I use Kool-Aid as a hair-care product (women only)
* I've seen every Bruce Campbell movie, twice (or more)
* When watching original Star Trek reruns, I mumble the script
* I'd stop traffic in a 45 zone to grab a computer from the curb
* ...and I've been involved in a traffic accident because of it
* I've been to the hospital because of a computer-moving-related accident
* I have a Pentium (I)-based computer running Linux running only sendmail
(or nothing)
* ...'uptime' reports more than 300 days, and I don't remember the root
* I prefer FreeBSD to Linux
* The spare parts for my everyday PC don't fit into a single standard moving
* My coffee table routinely has at least one schematic diagram on it
* My coffee table routinely has a piece of electronic equipment on it
* pieces
* My house has a PBX
* My house is wired for Ethernet
* ...even in the bathrooms
* My house is wired for fiber
* ...even in the bathrooms
* I share internet access with a neighbor via wireless
* I have a wireless access point for the entire neighborhood
* When the phone company/cable company/electrician leaves, I redo their work
* I'd pay $1,000 to have dinner with Heidi Klum
* ...I'd pay twice that for dinner with Woz
* I'm wasting far too many cycles thinking up things like this
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of David Woyciesjes
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 11:20 AM
> To: ClassicCMP
> Subject: The Geek Test...
> How many of you have seen this one?
> I only got a 7.88955% result...
> --
> --- Dave Woyciesjes
> --- ICQ# 905818
Received on Tue Nov 04 2003 - 16:49:58 GMT