----- Original Message -----
From: "James Dickens" <jdickens_at_ameritech.net>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: Spending was: ebay question
> i spent 10 times the price($1) that i paid for my Sun IPX for a
> (aui to twisted pair) to connect to my network, and another $10 for a
> null-modem adapter from radioshack.. no i can't solder cables to save my
> life, maybe if i had a $50 temp controlled iron i could.. but that's more
> money than the adapter :)
> James
I got one of these:
and it works ok for my small electronic jobs (I hate soldering). I think if
you mess around with electronics enough you need to get one since you will
probably use it at least a few times a year. Tools and original manuals are
very important for the hobby.
I find that I spend more money upgrading the old computers then the actual
cost of the computer itself. Quite a few times I end up paying more for
shipping then the item itself costs. And any serious collector will have a
large set of spare parts handy including all sorts of cables, adapters,
drives, media, monitors, etc. I also go nuts on original software and
manuals for my units. So buying a cheap 8/16 bit computer means I will spend
many times that amount for addons plus lots of space to set it up and store
those addons.
Collecting tends to snowball on you if your not carefull. Thanks god I didnt
get into the larger older stuff that needs higher voltage and tons of space
to run, then again I am still young who knows where this will go.
Received on Thu Nov 06 2003 - 23:14:20 GMT