Outphaseing of technology (was: Hummer / Asteroids TV commercial)

From: ben franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Thu Nov 6 23:26:16 2003

William Donzelli wrote:
>>Ok, now it gets slicky ... Tony, you're maybe one of the few
>>that can somehow proof me wrong, but I doubt that anybody
>>will come around with a homegrown 14" B/W CRT to replace a
>>damaged for any 1970s terminal I have, nor with any colour
>>CRT, not even a rather rough one like used in the IIgs colour

> There is a very good article in a recent Tube Collector (yes, there is a
> magazine for those that collect tubes) called "Heartache on the Factory
> Floor", or something like that.
Here is a good read for State of the ART, Spring 1954.
Long live COLOR TV!
Received on Thu Nov 06 2003 - 23:26:16 GMT

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