Whilst cleaning out a closet I found the following
items that may be of interest to people on this
1. A pair of 8-bit (XT) Corvus Omninet Transporter
Cards. One is the older LONG card, and the other is a
Gate Array Card.
2. A Box of Miscellaneous Tops Hardware and Software.
3. Two copies of Lantastic Client Software, Complete.
I can also supply some 16-Bit NE-2000 Compatible
10megabit Ethernet Cards to go with these.
4. A box full of SCSI to Ethernet Adapters. Useful to
put SCSI Devices (like a Printer or an Old Mac) on an
Ethernet Network. I have Powersupplies for these, but
no SCSI Cables.
If interested, drop me a line.
Not looking for much. Hate to throw this stuff out,
especially if someone else has some use for it.
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Received on Thu Nov 20 2003 - 12:08:53 GMT