Looking for DEC DLV11J cab kits

From: Fred N. van Kempen <waltje_at_pdp11.nl>
Date: Fri Oct 3 18:04:23 2003


Looking for the cab kits for the DLV11J (4-port serial) cards,
so I can set up a small LSI-11 based system. I already have a
small Q/Q backplane (thx, Luc !) and will hook up a nice, small
switching PSU to it... together with a cabkit and general CPU
cabkit panel, this will make a nice "this is a small PDP-11
system" demo.

(especially if I can find the guy who did the Qbus IDE disk
driver card, as I have plenty 2G 2.5" IDE notebook disks to
glue to such cards :)

Fred N. van Kempen, DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) Collector/Archivist
Visit the VAXlab Project at                     http://www.pdp11.nl/VAXlab/
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Email: waltje_at_pdp11.nl         BUSSUM, THE NETHERLANDS / Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 18:04:23 BST

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