Sv: ASR33 Teletype interfacing

From: John Lawson <>
Date: Sat Oct 4 11:24:17 2003

On Sat, 4 Oct 2003, Nico de Jong wrote:

> You'd probably better off in a ham related group. For them, it is a very easy thing

  Welll.... that *may* be true over there in Sunny Scandanavia, but here
on this side of the Big Salt Groundplane - most Hams would think that
"ASR33" is the model number of some new 3-band handheld transciver... or
maybe the grid-square of the latest obscure DX Island... ;}

  Truthfully, I can't think of a better place on the Net to get accurate
(and experienced) info on legacy data communication devices than here, or
*maybe* over on the Greenkeys maillist - although the topic there tends to
top out (chronologically) at the Model 28.

  Sadly. a lot of Hams here in 'Murikka wouldn't know which end of a hot
soldering iron was the one that burns you when you grab it...

   Cheers (and FB OM TNX FR NICE QSO)

Received on Sat Oct 04 2003 - 11:24:17 BST

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