Used Atari 2600 Game Cartridge goes for over $70

From: TeoZ <>
Date: Mon Oct 6 02:19:39 2003

> Exactly. Which is why I always preached against using eBay to price stuff
> or to even buy stuff from. If you learned your lessons of patience as a
> youth then you should have eventually gotten what you wanted at a much
> more reasonable (and REALISTIC) price.
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can find some great deals on ebay for items you want if your patient and
check for them every day, compared to great deals that just fall into your
lap otherwise when your not really looking. You can also get burned on ebay
easily, just be carefull. Then again the stuff I look for isnt that
expensive, I dont think I spent more then $150 on any 1 item on ebay and
that was when I started 3 years ago.
Received on Mon Oct 06 2003 - 02:19:39 BST

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