Help! need 400k/800k Mac os 6 or 7 diskettes!

From: John Rollins <>
Date: Mon Oct 6 14:10:09 2003

>Apple stopped having the drives read and write 400 and 800 k disks a
>while ago.

Actually the System does that... I don't remember when though. I
think it might have been System 8 that stopped reading 400k, I
remember because I was real mad about not being able to use my PM6500
to do disks for my 128k, and then I ended up with an iMac and the
iDock doesn't work under X(until you pull the cable going to the ADB
and serial that is) but the USB floppy only handles 1.4MB anyway! So
now it's time to get the LC up and running again I guess. But if you
have Mac with the SuperDrive(floppy, not DVD-R!) in it, and you have
something prior to System 8/9, you can do 400k disks all day long.
Just keep a System 7 boot disk around! That oughta work with anything
prior to a G3.

|                   |
|  KD7BCY          |
Received on Mon Oct 06 2003 - 14:10:09 BST

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